Supporting Success for Children
As children grow and develop they express their emotions through their actions and behaviors; young children are reactive and these expressions are how children communicate their needs. Teachers work to help children develop skills to recognize and understand their feelings and how to positively communicate with their peers and adults. When children struggle with behavior challenges our teams work with families to help identify what skills require support and teachers make reasonable accommodations to classroom environments, shifts in approaches to teaching, and modification to curriculum and activities. Our goal is to provide opportunities for children to be successful which helps them build confidence and acquire new skills.
Conflict Resolution with Children
All children want to be successful and therefore, we utilize positive redirection and positive phrasing when addressing children. Our goal is to help children become positive problem solvers through scaffolding and modeling problem solving strategies and empathetic language. To foster and enforce strong attachment with caregivers, teachers partner with children through challenges and work to become a resource for support. As such, we do not use time-out as a means of addressing challenging behaviors. Children are soothed and encouraged to calm and, when age appropriate, engage in discussions to identify the root emotions behind their behaviors. Even very young children are provided language about their feelings. Teachers can identify in their tones, body language, and reactions which validates feelings and supports the development of emotional literacy.